Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Celebrate Purim with Amphora’s Hamantaschen Cookies!

Not only is Amphora Bakery gearing up for Easter weekend, our team has been doing a lot of mixing, kneading, chilling, cutting, filling and shaping these past few days prepping for Purim!

Purim is a Jewish holiday commemorating the release of the Jews from an extermination plan in a biblical text named Book of Esther.

Purim is celebrated in February or March depending the year, and this year we are celebrating Purim on March 24th! To celebrate this holiday, Amphora Bakery is turning out dozens of Hamantaschen - hand shaped triangular cookies that are filled with assorted fruit fillings which are a traditional part of the Jewish celebration of Purim, an observance that begins this evening.

The Purim story

In the Purim story, Haman, the prime minister under Persian King Ahashverosh (called Ahasuerus in English) wanted all of the Jews of Persia killed. He was angry that another minister, Mordechai — a Jew who had help foil a plot against the king — refused to bow down before him.
Mordechai foiled Haman’s plot with the help of Mordechai’s cousin, Esther, who finally acknowledged to her husband that she was Jewish — saving herself and the rest of the Jews. Haman ends up getting killed on the gallows he was going to use to hang all the Jews and Hamantaschen are served as a reminder of that story.
One of the traditions of Purim is giving gift baskets of Hamantaschen to friends and family members. Here at Amphora Bakery, we have Hamantaschen cookies available for purchase, stop by and sample some today!

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